This is an exercise that's going to be great for strengthening your glutes and your lateral hamstring muscles. Lay down on your side, leaning on your elbow with your legs slightly bent. Take your upper leg, upper leg and raise it up a little bit, pushing it backwards and then bringing your knees forward to the ground. Once again, straighten your leg, creating a straight line between your leg and your torso. And then bring your knee and put it in front of your body touching it to the ground. You should be really feeling this exercise in your life.
Thigh muscles, your lateral hamstrings and quads, and your glutes. If you do this slowly with a proper form, it's not an easy exercise even though it looks very easy in the video. But once again, it's really great for strengthening those core muscles and your thigh muscles. Now, even if you're hurting on one side, it's very important to make sure that you do both sides and strengthen both sides, always. Your upper hand you can put on the ground for support if you'd like. Or if that's too easy for you.
You can also rest it on your hip, whichever you prefer. Once again, push your Lego back keeping it straight and then bring your knee touching it to the ground in front of your body. Don't put any pressure on your knee as it hits the ground. Just a quick touch and go Do six to eight repetitions for each side. And that should be enough to let you feel the burden of it.