This next exercise is a stabilizing exercise and a core strengthening exercise at the same time. It's one of my personal favorites, highly recommended. You want to start on your hands and knees with 90 degree angles. Take a few deep breaths, and when you're ready, you can start hand and leg. The opposite hand and leg move at the same time. Right hand out straight forward, left leg out, straight back.
Left hand out straight forward, right leg out straight back, each time bringing them back. Again here it's important not to rock from side to side. And when you've done that properly and you feel comfortable Then after your left leg back and right hand forward, bring your elbow and knee to the middle and extend each time extending, and then bringing your elbow and knee your opposite elbow knee back to the middle, just like you see in the video. Do six to eight reps for each side and release putting them back coming back to the hands and knees position. Then switch hand and leg doing the one that you haven't already done. It's very tough to do but make sure that you keep stabilized as you're moving your leg in hand and keep those straight angles as proper as you can as you're doing this.
Stretch out and you're all done.