In this video, we're going to show you a bit of a yoga sequence, which is really great for lower back pain especially slowly little bit complicated. So work with the video a few times. And then you can do it by yourself and you get the hang of it. So you want to start on your hands and knees with 90 degree angles between your hands and legs. Take your right foot and put it forward between your hands. And then take your lick and put it outside of your hands.
Take your back like pushing it back a little bit like you can see and then push your hips forward, your chest forward and your head up. hold that stretch for a bit and you can feel that stretch really in your leg. That's that's stretched out backwards. Okay, bring that leg back in between and then walk your hands back so that you can sit back on your back leg and now you're moving the stretch to the leg that's forward. You're really feeling it behind your leg, around your glutes areas and your hamstrings. Walk your hands back forwards and you can bring that leg back into your hands and knees position.
Alright, let's try it on the other side. Now. You're going to see this now from a different position so that you can get the hang of it. Starting from your hands and knees, bring your right foot forward this time and bring that foot forward putting it between your two hands on the floor. Take that leg and wiggle it to the outside bringing your hand back to the middle And your back leg, you want to take a little bit backwards now. And now you can push your hips forward, chest forward, head up, and really take some deep breaths as you're in this position.
This is where you feel the stretch on your hip flexor muscles and in your quadriceps, take some deep breaths. When you're ready, bring that leg back into the middle and walk your hands back sitting onto your back leg. And again, this moves the stretch to the leg. It's forward, not backwards on the backside of your leg, your glutes and your hamstrings. Walk your hands back forward. And you can bring that leg back on your hands and knees.
Just stay here a little bit, taking some deep breaths. Don't do things too quickly. You want to really hold those stretches