How can you find out your personal energy? First of all, when you talk about your birth year, it didn't mean the calendar year that you were born. To find out your birth year to determine your personal energy, you need to check with Chinese here you were born. If your birthday is not in January or February, you can use your calendar. However, if you were born in January or February, you need to check whether your birthday still belongs to the previous calendar year, or it was part of the Chinese New Year. For example, in 2019, the Chinese New Year started and the fifth of February babies born in 2019.
But before the first of May, we'll have 2018 as their birth year as a Chinese year of 2018. The don't finish get the force of February. It's easy To check on Google, take the last two digits of your birth year. Add the two numbers together. If the result is a two digit number, add them together again until you arrive at a single digit number. Or in other words, reduce your birth year to one digit.
If you are female, add this number to five or six if you were born after 2000. Reduce again to single digit if necessary. If you are male, deduct your single digit number from 10. One nine if you were born after 2000 if you are a male, and were born in 22,009, or 2018, or looking into the future 2027 to present that six 2% 45 and so on. Your personal energy number is nine Let's take a couple of examples. Female born on the second of January 1978. birth year 1977.
Remember second of January 1978, which fall under Chinese yen 1977. At the last three digits seven plus seven equals 14. It's still a two digit number. So, need to add the digits up again to reduce it to single digit. One plus four equals five. Add this number to five.
Five plus five equals 10. Because this example is the birthday of a female, reduce it to single digit again. So one plus zero equals one. This person's personal energy number is one She belongs to the east group, and her direction is north and her element is water. Male born the 14th of may 1974. birth year 1974. At the last two digits, seven plus four equals 11 stayed a two digit number, so you need to add the digits up again to reduce it to a single digit.
One plus one equals two to Doug this number from 1010 equity equals eight because this example is the birthday for male so this person's personal energy number is eight. He belongs to the west group and his direction is northeast and his element is Earth. You are going to learn the best directions colors, symbols patterns for each Person energy number. I need to import an area of life such as her success, relationship, wisdom