Congratulations, you have reached the end of this class. I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I really hope you get a lot of value from it and some really important tips, which will help you in your design career and in your future projects. So this is our final project. This is how the file that you're going to receive looks like. So let's quickly run through it and remind ourselves what we covered in this course.
So we started with the design brief and obviously, you already saw this and you receive this templates, you can fill it out for your future projects. We also covered printable wireframes which you can print out I showed you how you can sort them out to get few or to get more screens for your future projects and your future printable wireframing drawings. And you saw how some small details can really improve your speed and improve your process. Next up, we covered wireframe and I explained to you how you can order real simple elements like boxes and rectangles, and really create something which will help propel your design process forward when you get to the design stage. And speaking of design stage in which we include the different images, I showed you the difference between the PNGs and JPEGs, how you can include some different drop shadows how you can include colors at the last minute.
So these kinds of processes and these kind of things are going to happen when you start designing your own projects and in your future projects, especially with bigger clients because they change their mind all the time. And for example, they don't like colors of these credit cards and PayPal accounts, it doesn't matter, you can easily change them. And what's really important is you saw how using your assets panel right here inside your Adobe XD, you can really cut your work short and apply those colors and those styles across different elements in your artboards. And finally at the end, we reach to prototyping stage and I showed you how you can use some simple transitions and simple animations all the way up to some really complex and nice looking ones. And I gave you a few tips and tricks about how you can improve that even further, going forward with your own projects.
And finally, we covered how you can share your work with the client, how you can receive feedback for it, how you can share it with them in the final stages, as well as how you can share that work with developers and how you can speak with them about perfect file types that they need, so that you can cut your work short and you can finish the work as fast as possible, while providing the highest possible quality as they need. So really, that's it. Thank you so much. Once again for taking this class. I really hope you learn something new. I really hope you pick up few tips and tricks here and there.
And I really hope that you will apply at least some of it in your future work. So thank you once again and I will see you in a future course. Take care