Hello, and welcome to the final lecture in the second section. And in this lecture, we're doing a quick win. This is quick win two, like I said at the beginning, I want you to have actionable results in this course, there's theory, there's experience, but there's putting into practice which is the most important of all, and I want you to start seeing what gratitude can do for you and what it can do for your life right away. And so, with this exercise, I want you to find a situation in your life that is especially difficult and write down all the blessings, gifts, possibilities, opportunities and positives, that you can think of, and that exist through because of an in spite of the situation. And this requires something that I call creative gratitude, and which we will go over in future lectures. Now first, write about the situation what about curd who is involved in why it is difficult?
What are a few of the negatives and tell us a little bit about the situation or reflect on the situation. It could be a situation in a relationship, at work at home, at school, with your health with your finances or with a friend, and then answer these questions and make any other positive notes about the situation. Some of the questions are, are there any potential positives in the circumstances as a result of this situation? How can it help you grow and help others? How can it help you? What opportunities gifts or blessings might come from this situation?
How can you choose to see and experience the situation in the best ways possible? Those are the questions that you will ask yourself as you reflect on this difficult situation. One important point that I like to make about this is sort of a disclaimer. But it's more just an aside is that this exercise does not condone abuse, misfortune or calamity in any way. Nor does it seek to undermine the real trauma and difficulty that such experiences can bring. such situations are genuinely difficult, and that's why they're called difficulties and in some cases, even traumatic.
And this exercise is not to take away from the validity of or tragedy that people experience in difficulties every day. They are real and looking for positive does not mean the situation itself is good. But when bad situations occur, and they cannot be prevented or changed, the only power that we have in the situation is how we choose to respond to it. And so this exercise is where our true power lies and thus This is the purpose of the exercise. You will learn to find healing and power even in the darkest places. Because of gratitude, and so we focus on being grateful for the blessings, the gifts and the good things in our life.
But I think it's also vital that we focus on how to be grateful in a bad or a rough situation as well. And so that is the exercise of quick win too. And I hope that you will start to see how you can express creative gratitude, even in difficult situations, to start to change your perspective on the situation and hopefully start to move into practicing gratitude more and creating more abundance in your life. And so in the next section, section three, we will focus on cultivating gratitude as a daily choice how gratitude can attract more abundance in your life. And I like to call it a gratitude adjustment because it is a choice. And so I'll see you in the next lecture.