Okay, so we've got siblings and family. Now the closest thing to a family that is still not the family is your friends. Okay? And remember now plural. And singular is the same thing in Chinese. It's super, super easy like that.
And we just imply it by saying the number in front. So if there's one, then it's singular. If it's two, then it's dual or plural. And if it's three or four above that, then it's just plural in general. And that means we'll learn one word, which is now friend. Then we can say have one friend.
We have two friend we have three friend you don't change that word. Okay? I think that's another one of those where Chinese got it and we just thought, let's complicate things, guys. Okay, so the word for friend now is Ponyo. Ponyo. Ponyo?
Fantastic. So we can then say he she's my mom cashew what mama we can also say Tasha will kneel. And now I told you we don't have to say the dub. You can say the dough if you want to. You don't have to say it. Whether in the case of Ponyo, then I would prefer it if you actually said What up?
Nope. Okay, because there's not that close to you. Okay, Tasha will the pony up Fantastic partial water Ponyo, or I'm your friend. washer. Nice. Ponyo.
Fantastic. I hope I'm not saying it too quickly. If so, I guess slow down the speed. We can do that. And if you're on our website now, pasture what the meal. And now if you want to say a good friend that you can just say Tasha water how Ponyo.
Ponyo so just add the word how in front of Ponyo and it becomes a good friend is in close friends. How pony up you can also ask Are we friends like one man shirt? blue shirt was actually a question remember that one woman shirt or shirt ponytail? Are we friends? And then just answer with shirt will push you and in this case hopefully ship woman ship O'Neill. Fantastic.
Correct. We are friends. There's a lot of blinking here I've realized winking and I hope that gives you engaged