Hey guys, before you're ready for extreme haggling, okay 101 then we just want to know 100 to 1000. Go ahead by eBay and is what 100 Exactly. So buy is all we need is hundred. Yes. Be careful now because by almost with the same tone second tone is white. By, but by is 100 However, a very easy way to to tell them apart is by just adding a bite or a number before 100 because you never say by just you have to say yeah, well number before.
So 100 or 200. Just like in English you say are bad, somebody so bad. We bad and then all the way up to bad. Yeah, so now we know the numbers all the way up. But let's try and make it a bit more complicated. So a few more numbers and just straight up one 900.
So let's go with 930 ringtones. That will be job adventure. Why isn't it Joe Biden? He does essentially. So high number first, and then the low numbers just like in English 933. Then Joe by sang, she's done.
Exactly. And that's easy. That's all good. All good and well. But what the only complicated I think here is the only complicated part here is I think if we say 100, and then we say, a number that is smaller than 10. Or let's just go with 10, for instance, 110 eBay issue, so Okay, well, you're saying that you're not saying, sure.
You're not saying eBay? Sure. And I thought you were going to say that for a long time here when I was studying Chinese, but yeah, you're not saying eBay? Sure. You're saying eBay? would still make sense?
Because if you think of it, sound sure is 310. Yeah. 20 years to 1010. Should be 110. So you're saying yes. Okay, wonderful.
So hundred and 13. Then eBay issues. So okay, just remember that if we don't go with 100, you say instead 200. And let's say 350 somebody should work. So just remember the issue there. Okay, so that's really all there is to know about this here.
All there is to pay attention to here. And we also might want to focus a little bit on just a, just a tiny number like 302. How do you say that? Some bailing are? Okay, so you said what? lane such a new number is linked?
And is only used when? Either if someone something's free, more it costs 100 and 07. So 107 106 Yeah, because I think this makes all the sense in the world because what you have is, basically you're just reading up the numbers as they're written. So 106 is 106. Yeah, yeah. So then you read Bailey know who exactly he biolink z Bling, bling.
And then when you get to 110 is he by eesh. Fantastic. And there's all the numbers for you. In the next video, we might go through 1000 as well. But there's no No sort of nothing difficult about that is there no easy, easy peasy See you in that video