Okay, so in the last video we learned I can do something as in I have the ability to do something. And the next logical step would be speak languages. So we don't actually have to say to speak to start with, we'll learn that word in a bit. First of all languages is much more important. And then we just take the one, one, that little sound, that little character, put it at the end. And you remember, most countries end with a goal at the end just like me, or Congo, or Ingo as well.
Now, Miko doesn't have its own language, so we'll just take that away. And instead we're stuck with Ingo and Congo if you take away the goal and replace it with one then you get the language the language that they speak in that place so it's in Guam would be England in one would be all would be English fantastic. Now trunk or be China tongue one would be Chinese. So now you can say many, many things and as soon as you know your own country, and if your country has a go in it just switched up gore to a one and you get the language of that country. If however, just like Sweden from instance it's read there, there's no go there. Then in that case, you just put one at the very end and you're good to go.
And that means the language done. So read then is Sweden and radium one radium one is Swedish. Fantastic. Now we can say I can Swedish and that's actually a full sentence then you just say I can flash I know what wait and then you say the language and maybe more common than Swedish would be maybe English which which would be using one or Chinese chrome one. So you can say one way from one way in one. You don't know them.
You say what boy, if you want to ask someone you can say nice way and then something something wonderful. Now the last thing I want you to note as well is that we can just say eat them or eat then there is an I never let a little bit so someone says knee Hey, can you speak Chinese or do you know Chinese so you can just say it the Indian or was it the Indian? That's fantastic. That is fantastic. Well You know me which one? Well, you know, you don't wanna wait in here.
You Mama, India. Oh, a little, a little, you know. Bye bye bye