Welcome back to 20 boobs and 20 days, we are working on our shuffle, hop step today one of my favorites. So it's exactly what it sounds like we're doing a shuffle, which you already know, a hop, which you will learn and then a step, which you already know, just putting down your toe. Okay, so the hop is the fun component of this entire thing. And it's a little different for each direction. So we'll go over each one individually and practice them before we put it all together. So with the shuffle, hop step to the front, I'm going to go out in that I'm going to hop on that foot, hop, and then step.
Yeah, ideally, my heels would be kept off the floor the whole time. If that's not possible yet. Don't worry about it. That's what we're building towards. Okay, so I'm going to start with my other like to I go out in hop, step, yeah, out in top, step out, in, hop, step. So the same foot that does the shuffle stays in place while I happened my other foot and then I step that foot down.
Okay? So we're gonna practice just that eight times facing away. So we have, shuffle, hop, step, shuffle, step. 345678. Excellent. Okay, now we will tackle to the side.
So you already know you're supposed to this side, you start behind you, you're gonna go out in now when you go in, you're actually going to cross in front. So now I have a turned out I'm working way, this kind of makes a diamond shape and in between, and you're gonna hop there and it puts your foot back down to parallel, right? So it's always going to come home and home is parallel. So out in hop, step, okay? Then we'll do it to the other side as well. So we go out of way in toward trusting in front, hop, and step.
Just so you know, vocabulary wise, that step that shuffle, hop step to the side is also called an Irish. It looks like an Irish step. Well, step and so that's where it kind of got its nickname. So you'll hear it interchangeably used. Either shuffle, hop step to the side or an Irish, okay, so let's practice just that. Here we go.
We start with our right leg. We have our in, hop step out in hop out at cop out in cop that will do to the back as well. But one quick note about that shuffle, hop step two, this type, and this is actually going to apply to the back as well is that I'm going to be as turned out as I can when I'm hopping because that's the position that I'm trying to make the shape I'm trying to make. Same when we go to the back, when we go to the front, as you notice it stays perfectly parallel. So I'm going to continue to keep it right here. Alright, now we're gonna go to the back we have out in that right from there, my foot is already where it needs to be.
I'm going to hop and put my foot back down. So out and hop, step. All right, staying turned out the entire time keeping crap behind the entire time. All right, here we go. We have it hop out in top, out in top step out in top step for more. Now, if you paid attention closely to my heels, you'll notice that they don't come down.
We talked about that a little bit already. So even on that hop, which is an interesting component with chap, ideally you will land with gesture toe. And again, that's kind of to avoid some of those extra sounds that come in, unintentionally when you land either flat footed or with your heel, but it's also a softer way the land so that's gonna be something to build towards. There you go. You have your shuffle steps.