Welcome back to 20 moves in 20 days, we are going to do our seven count ref now. So we have done one 2.12. Just kidding, we've done our 345 and six. And now we're doing our seven count. Again, this is a riff walks, it's gonna travel you, you already know the five count really well by now, right? So this starts the same as the five count, and then it's gonna switch things up just a little bit for us with our count six and seven.
Okay, so you go 12345 and now our six and our seven are going to do heel, drop, heel, drop, okay, so that was opposite same, and that's what I'll say a lot as we go through this. Just to help you kind of know which foot you're doing at which time It is kind of confusing. So we start with our 512345. And then I'm going to do opposite heel, same heel, or you can think about it as supporting leg working leg but I always just say opposite same because to me, that's how my brain processes it the best. So we've done to the right now we go to the left, we have toe heel, heel, heel toe, that was your five count. We add on six, seven, opposite same.
Okay, again 12345 opposite thing. 12345 opposite same. Good. So I'm going to face this way now. 12345 opposite same. 12345 opposite thing.
12345 Opposite thing. 12345, opposite, same. Good. That traveling across we have 12345 opposites saying 12345 opposite saying 12345 opposite same 12345 opposite thing 1-234-567-1234 567 go 1-234-567-1234 567 1-234-567-1234 567 1-234-567-1234 567 good. And let's go ahead and do that again heading back ready we have opposite same opposite, saying All right there you had it. That is the end of your riff walks, you had the three count riff, not a walk, but then 456 and seven are riff walks, which you've learned Good job.
And then tomorrow we will learn the eight count riff, which actually travels side to side. Totally different, and also is called the Shirley Temple. So that's gonna be a lot of fun. See you tomorrow.