I am excited to share with you the buffalo today. And so we'll have some fun teaching you today. So one of the things you've probably seen is with like a cane or a Tomcat or something like that. And you've seen this, this step travels quite a bit. I'll just give you a quick little demo, and then I'll break it down for you, but it's actually really fun. I'm sure you've seen it with a cane or something, but it goes compact.
So, this is a really, really fun one. And it's also that, you know, put together in different ways. Yeah, so you already know the stuff, the shuffle and now we're just going to ask leap, which is not bad at all. So let me show you broken down. We start with a step on it right but we're gonna shuffle on our left. And then from there, I'm going to leap on to my left foot from my right, so my weight is here, and I'm basically just going to switch feet like that.
Okay, there is a little bit of a hot but it doesn't have to be anything super dramatic. It just is a essentially a transfer of weight from my right foot to my left and the form of a little hop. Okay. So in top again, all the capillary lepen in TAF stays on the same leg. So the step qualified as a as a hop, technically, and then on a buffalo. It's a leap because of changing feet.
Because from here, step, shuffle, I changed feet with my heart. And now I'm just a holy okay. So, we have to the right we have shuffle, shuffle, shuffle ready so I have shuffled so as you can see I actually practice these pretty well in place and then travel them later on. So that's a really nice thing with these. You just keep the steps pretty much right underneath you like that. Yeah, I was actually trying traveling.
So we have moving forward Okay, good. Now we're gonna try to the left. So, with the with the left, start with my left, it's gonna go up just like that, okay? So this other way I know. Okay, now we're going to go this way to start All right, so this is another one that you'll definitely want to practice a lot. It is very specific rhythmically, the way that you do it, you can practice it.
Shop all week, but you want to get to this is where that double shuffle comes in really handy because you've already privacy and in here Yes. Ready place to practice that and if you want to go back and review double shuffles, that would also be a great exercise to get you kind of warmed up and ready for the Buffalo. I do recommend you try these traveling as well because most of the time you're going to actually see them traveling as opposed to really staying in place underneath you So, that is your buffalo. Have fun with it. Do you have a cane or a top hat? I highly encourage their incorporation into your new tap routine.
All right, have a great day. I'll see you tomorrow.