Welcome back to 20 moves in 20 days. Today we're gonna do our four count riff walk. So taking what we already know about riffs, the counts, equal sounds. And now in building on to our three count, we have our four count and this one is actually going to travel us forwards. So it is four sounds, like I said, and we'll do them here like so and then we'll, I'll show you what it's like to travel as well. So it goes toe, got your heel forward to the heel, dig three, toe on four toe drop bore.
So it's a step with just your toe, a scuff with your heel, a heel dig and a toe drop. And that's your first floor. Okay, so I'm going to actually go ahead and face this way so you can kind of see what I'm doing. So again, Cuz it's traveling, I'm going to alternate my feet every time. So on my right, I'm going to go toe, heel, heel, toe, then left, toe, heel, heel, toe, toe, heel, heel, toe, toe, heel, heel, toe. case, I'm going to do it heading towards you and away and then I'm going to do it side to side so you can see all the different variations.
But regardless, it's toe, heel, heel, toe, okay, so I'm going to go toe, heel, heel, toe, toe, heel, heel, toe, toe, heel, heel, toe, toe, heel, heel, toe, toe, heel, heel, toe, okay, heading away from you. 123412 341-234-1234 Okay, so I decide. We toe, heel, heel, toe, toe, heel, heel toe. Okay, one more time. All right, that's your four count, riff walk. Good job.
Tomorrow we will tackle our five count.