I'm glad you decided to keep moving forward in this course. In the last lesson, we touched on your current challenges as a parent. In this lesson, I'll be sharing a new point of view about parenting. Can you think of a more taboo topic than parenting? Okay, maybe maybe politics, but the topic of parenting is so personal. It's this crazy 24 seven commitment.
And as parents, we barely get any proper training. And you're pretty much on your own. And you couldn't maybe reach out to someone for advice. But who would you reach out to? And how can you trust that person? You could reach out to your parents, but then they tell you everything you're doing wrong, and they might start undermining your abilities.
You could reach out to other parents in your network. But what do they know? They might be just winging it like you. Sometimes it might seem like other parents have it all together. That is until you find out what's happening behind the closed doors. I was talking to a friend of mine recently.
He's financially stable, emotionally stable, physically stable. He has a supportive spouse, well educated and is very successful in his career. He appears to be in great shape to start a family but for whatever reason, he cannot figure out his kid. It's a stressful situation. their child's behavior has spiraled out of control. And they realize they're in trouble.
Have you ever felt like this like? This should come more naturally? What's the missing puzzle piece? I'm sacrificing I'm providing so much for my child, but every day is exhausting and it's a challenge has someone ever told you you're An amazing parent. And your thought was, have you seen my kid at home? Or what do they know?
They just see a few snippets of your life. I mean, they don't really know what you're doing on a day to day basis to help you nurture your children and help them develop their skills. They say it's the most rewarding job but how it is challenging and exhausting. Do you ever feel tired of yelling or feel defeat at the end of the day? Have you think it's just normal? That's how my kid acts.
Maybe there's nothing you can do about it. Well, this course is a chance at a fresh start. Here's something to help you start over as a parent, try this exercise. What I want you to do right now is get a happy image of your child in your mind. Or better yet, maybe literally stop the video and go get a picture of your child. Go get that picture of your precious Angel smiling at you.
That picture you love so much. And place that photo in front of you. I want you to really study that picture. And when you think of your child, do you first think of them as precious Angel smiling in the picture in front of you are about their rotten behavior, about how they are driving us crazy. Throughout this course, we are going to try and focus on one of these kids and not the one you might be thinking. To get in the right mindset, we are going to talk about the perfect Angel child.
Bass, the child, we want to see more out. That's the child that brings you joy and laughter. That is who we want to better ourselves for. I want you to think about three happy memories with your child. They mean maybe small Like, like spending time at a playground, I want you to write them down and add in some details. How was your kid feeling?
How were you feeling? What made this moment so happy? If we're going to want to replicate these behaviors, these moments so that they happen more and more and more, so we'll need more detail. Keep these memories in your mind and have that photo out while you go through this course. In the next lesson, we'll be exploring why it's important for you to get things right with your kid, as a parent, trust me, This lesson will be life changing.