For my background to take my largest brush, I'm just going to do a little outline, leaving a little dry space between my outline and my cat face to go all the way around, just creating like a little vignette. So I've saturated the paper making a halo around my cafes, the same shape really. They're going to mix my color, a little water on my palate, a little more of this hands a yellow. I'll put a little more of apparently in red here as well. I get a nice orangey color. over into my brush, make another puddle of that yellow, little water and just take a little bit of the brush color.
From that color. We mix that orangey color. So now I have two shades of it with my lightest color. I'm going to go and just trace that outline that we did that Halo In a very loose way, leaving the paper dry, just around our cat face. So now we have a layer of water, we're not coloring it in completely that we put down at first. And now just the tiniest of this light pigment.
I'll go around it again. After I have completed one, go around with a pigment and I'll just pull in the pigment a little closer to the face, still leaving a dry area but just pulling it that much closer. Then I'll rinse my brush, pull a lot of the water off of it. And then just make sure it blends out so that there's no harsh edge at all. Switch to my smallest brush and I'm going to pick up some of that darker pigment. Bring it right up close to the cat face and the two pigments will blend.
The lighter color that we put First, and then our little Halo right up close to our cat face. I'm working quickly so that my pigment doesn't have a chance to dry the light color we put down. If it does, I'll just re wet it. It's a very subtle look and the colors blend beautifully into one another almost seamlessly. And it's just a subtle look. Over here, I can see that my pigment ran my light color.
So I'll just go in there, blend that out a little more with some clear water. And there we have our first cat face patches here. We'll let this layer dry. Next chapter. We'll start our second cat face