For a second cat face, I've modified the template a little bit, I've given some eyelashes, some cat eyes here to this. And then I after I drew my nose and mouth, I just drew some circles around here to make kind of the gels of the cat, just a slight variation, and I did this in pencil, and I'll either erase it or paint over it during the course of our painting. And now I want to make an orange striped cat here. So I'm going to go and just with my brush, I'm going to just paint a light coat of water everywhere over the eyes, and everywhere except the nose and that little mouth area that I made. So I'll go underneath it, just wetting my paper. Then I'm going to mix a light color here.
And I'll take some of this hands a yellow vermillion hue. So I have a nice little orange color here. I'll mix one brush full of water so it's pretty light. And then I'm going to go in here and just draw In pigman going to work on creating the outline of the face. And I'm going to go over everything except that nose and that mouth area. I'm not worrying about getting everything 100% full of pigment, I do like to get my outline.
So after I have my outline done, dip my brush and water pick up a little more pigment. And then I'll just drop it in trying to create the outline of the nose and that mouth area and that's what's key for me today. But I don't mind leaving areas dry in the paper. Then we'll go in, rinse my brush, pull off the water, so I have not a completely dry brush but much drier. And I'll just pick up some of that pigment while it's damp and this will help Create some of those drier areas and some variation. Just rolling my brush.
It's nice and big so I can pick up some of the pigment and we'll let this layer completely dry.