And why does all this matter? People always say to me, Jason, why do I need to know all of this data? Well, it's pretty easy. Now, you'll know that 22 to 34 year olds that earn $50,000 a year. They like sports, they drink coffee, they rent their apartment. They're single, and they own a dog.
They are the ones who want to buy your product, versus 45 to 60 year olds who are 100, who earn $100,000. They like to travel, they drink wine, they own their home, they're married and they have a car, I want to try your service. So this is why you want to get this data, you want to target your market. And you do this by using what's called the customer acquisition funnel. The funnel drips down, like a funnel always does and you want to get to the bottom. So an acquisition is someone who came to your website or downloaded your mobile app.
And activation is somebody who's signed up so they clicked on login with Facebook, where they created a profile with an email and a username and a password and a profile photo retention is that they came back back again to try it again, maybe a week later a day later A month later or even a year later. revenue is that they paid for something. And referrals is where they came from. So you know, again, you acquire to user it comes to your website, he clicks on a login with Facebook, he activated it, or she activated it. She comes back to your website again. Two weeks later, she's retained.
And then maybe three weeks later, she purchases a pocket book on your ecommerce site, and you now earn some revenue from her. Maybe she likes your UI and your UX so much your user interface in your user experience, navigation, the colors she thought it was so simple and easy to use, that she starts referring you on Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest and texting people and telling everybody guys, this new app is so awesome. I bought this pocket book for 50% off and it was so easy to use. You should download this app. That's it. You got what you wanted out of this customer.
The funnel worked. So keep that in mind. This is the kind of stuff If you want to keep track of and when it comes to a b testing, we were talking a little bit about that earlier was, you're going to make an ad for like Facebook or Twitter or any other website or even Google ads. You don't want to just make one ad, because this may look great to a millennial, but maybe not to a senior citizen. So you want to try different ads, target different markets, and see which ad performs the best based on the data you get. So if this one gets you $500 worth of sales to the millennials, but it gets you $1,000 worth of sales to the senior citizen market.
Well, that means that you should try a different ad for the millennials and continue this one for the senior citizens. Same goes for websites, you can make multiple iterations of a landing page and see which one performs the best in terms of acquiring email addresses for your beta launch. And we're going to finish things off in analytics with metrics. This is a big one I showed you The spreadsheet that has all of this in it, your marketing campaign breakdown, like what you're spending, how much how many downloads, or installs you're getting from those marketing, the downloads, installs and purchases, you should keep track of them daily, weekly and monthly, I always recommend. And then you'll want to know their da use and ma user daily active users and your monthly active users. How many people are using your platform every day or every month, these are important to know investors want to know them.
And you should too, to see for growing gender and age and device and location. These are standard, you should always have these. And the reason why these are important is for example, you can put them into this analytics one pager that you can hand out to people that shows all of those numbers in one shot so they can see automatically that these are your numbers. You've been compiling them, you've been aggregating them, you've been analyzing them and these are your numbers. It also works well for growth graphs. These are from the spreadsheets I mean, these are these are the exact data from our spreadsheets that shows how we grew The 1.3 million pageviews how many unique visitors in three weeks 300,000.
Returning grew three times over. And this is all based on ads. So when we have an ad and it goes right here on July 27 2014, we shot up Why, what was that ad? And why did we perform so poorly a couple days later, what was the ad we had that day. You know, same goes for growth. In mobile and web, you should keep track of both how many users and you know how much money we're spending user acquisition cost.
We had it steady at nine cents per user. We were able to scale this to 5000 new users a day. This means that we were able to spend very little money to get 5000 users a day based on these ads that we were running. And social media sharing grew for us. We were getting 251 shares per day, people friending each other. We're getting a lot more friends and comments.
Again, this is all based on data. Based on spending money on ads, and social media marketing and blogging and word of mouth, and this is the kind of stuff you need to do in your startup in order to make sure you know every single number like the back of your hand. And once you have all this, that means you're going to be ready to pitch to investors. And that's the next chapter.