A good way to visualize your need versus one is by whiteboarding. So a friend of mine wants to build a fitness app and I told him to draw me out what the app would do. So in this case, it would be body parts on the first screen, you choose the type of workout you want to use, and then it would automatically start your workout based on the body part you chose and the type of workout you chose and it does everything automatically for you. It's very simple, and then I understood it right away. Another good thing you can do is flowcharting. a flowchart explains how an actual website functions and how it works.
And I can show you how to make one of these pretty quick on a website called gliffy calm so GL FF quite calm. It's free to use if you build one or two of these things. And once you're in this drag and drop editor, which you can, you know drag and drop what you want and type in text. Okay, and you can then copy and paste this If you want, it's all Ctrl C Ctrl V the same as every other thing. And I'm going to delete these. But you can see here I built a pretty robust flowchart to explain how one of my apps works.
It has a lot of information on it. It has a lot of, you know, paths to show where things go and how they work and what the order is, and all that kind of stuff. And then you can export this as a PDF. Right over here, just export. And you can have a PDF and show people this flowchart later on. So it's very handy.
And I would recommend using it, the most important things you can use to build your app or service or product or whatever is a workflow document. And what that is, it's like an outline that explains every button, every function, every navigation, every path you take. every user interaction that you use on your app, or your product or your service. You should always it's kind of like a technical business plan. It tells you everything thing you need to know about your app. Then you take this, and you build a visual map.
And I can show you a little bit more detailed visual map of how I build these. Okay, and here is a detailed map of how every single screen works. Every icon, it tells you what the icons do, and tells you how the camera works and tells you how the alerts and recording the questions work. How the chat notification and how it takes you into the chat screen and the kinds of things you can do in the chat screen. It shows you how the monetization which is earning revenue on the app and how that works very descriptive, the different types of coins you can earn, how the daily question works and how the camera records your questions and answers and alerts that pop up and it gives you really detailed explanations, you know, and even going into the search preferences very detailed as you can see List of tags, you know, and even all the ethnicities and religions and preferences and all that.
So I mean, you have to get really detailed, you have to show everything. And when you do this, you can show this to your team later on, and they will understand everything, then you can have discussions based on all this. And basically, based on the discussions, you can decide, well do we want to have these features here? Do we want it to look like this? And that's when you discuss and decide on things not while you're building it with your team of developers. That's a waste of time.
You want to do this before you build anything. That's the key