Then you may be at the point like Snapchat was where they were offered $3 billion by Facebook. And you may be ready for an acquisition. Who knows? I mean, look at these companies and all the companies they've purchased, right? I mean, Facebook bought Instagram, Whatsapp and Oculus Rift. So, I mean, maybe you built a WhatsApp, you know, something similar, and maybe Google wants to buy it.
So they'll buy it from you for you know, X amount of money. This is where you have to make a decision. Do you want to sell your company? Or do you want to continue growing your company, hiring employees running the day to day operations? Or do you want to sell the company and start doing something else? This is the the age old question.
And I always say that, if a big company wanted to buy Instagram, or one of my other companies or one of my movies or one of my books or any of my assets, I would gladly sell it because for me, I'm constantly working on various projects at the same time. So for me to stick with just one company for my entire life. Basically, I just can't see myself doing that and not Know how these other guys do it. Sure, they're making tons of money and they're very, you know, popular and their app is popular. But that's all they're doing all day long. And I mean, I just, I can't see it for maybe for you maybe for you, that's the best thing in the world is to just run your startup for the rest of your life or, you know, 10 years or whatever.
For me, I'd rather sell it within two to five years and then move into something else and start helping entrepreneurs like you build your companies. So this is the end of the chapter. And hopefully you've learned a lot in my course. We're going to move on to my final thoughts, which is more about my experiences, and how I feel like you should look at life and how you should treat other people, my philosophies and the ways that I live my life and I feel like they might help you. So see in a minute