Learn how Volatility Indices such as the VIX, IndiaVIX, VHSI, VCAC, GVX, and many more, can help you trade many of the Worlds Stock Markets, Commodities, and other financial asset types and apply this analysis to create your own strategies for trading global Stock Market Indices e.g. SP500, Nasdaq100, DAX, CAC, Nifty, etc and Commodities such as Gold in various timeframes and using different technical analysis chart types.
Do you want a great sentiment market tool that can give you a warning of the potential future direction of any given stock market or even commodity?
Would you like to know how to trade this tool or use it as a supporting analysis for your trading?
The VIX is the ‘original’ example of this approach. Since then volatility analysis has gone global.
What will you learn in this course?
I look forward to seeing you on the course.