Step six, process the results. In the earlier chapter, we discussed how to process each completed questionnaire by looking up in the candle evaluation table. A score for the answers to the pair of questions for each potential customer requirement being investigated. We explained how these scores are entered tallied into a tabulation matrix. In the far right column of the tabulation matrix, assign a category to each of the requirements. The simplest way to choose a category is to use whatever type of customer requirement appears most often in the responses for that requirement.
For instance, for requirement one, the letter M appears 23 times out of 25 surveys. It indicates the grade to be must be similarly For requirement for the letter A appears 14 times out of 25 and no other letter appears as many times as a, it indicates that the grade would be attractive. If any requirement receives a substantial number of questionable scores. It indicates that the customer is confused with that question. The thought process of the customer can be explored later. Hence, these questions could probably be temporarily deleted from the analysis.