Step four, test the questionnaire. The customers will spend time on our questionnaire only if it is understandable. If they don't understand it, their reaction will be punks. I'm sure you don't want to get this reaction from your customers. Hence, it is recommended that you thoroughly test the questionnaire internally before sending it to them. Most common errors identified when constructing a questionnaire are unclear questions, typographical errors, confusing instructions, among others.
Constructing a questionnaire is an iterative process. These guidelines can help you test your questionnaire effectively. Select a set of internal employees to answer the questionnaire and administer it to them. Please do select the employees from a variety of backgrounds, right from the grassroot level to the top management level. based on the feedback, revise the questions and retest. Listen carefully and keep no bias to what your internal test employees say.
If they find something confusing, it is quite likely that others will as well. Revise questions or add instructions as necessary.