The fourth practice to increase your productivity is all about exercising. Are you surprised by this one a few years ago, I would never associate my productivity with my workout routines. But after reading the book Spark, I started noticing big differences. In my work day when I exercise it. I always knew that exercising was great if you want to have a better health, but I have no idea that exercising could actually increase my productivity in my results. It's really easy to neglect exercise because we feel that if we don't spend time exercising, we actually have more time to dedicate to achieve our goals and priorities for the day.
But in reality exercise will give you a better brain and so you will be more able and more capable to achieve the things you set for the day when you exercise. It is one of the most powerful ways to increase your productivity. Increase your focus to put you in a better mood to actually make you more happy. All of these advantages contribute in one way or another to make you more productive every single day. So you don't need to be exercising for a month to see results. When you exercise today you will see the results today, which is incredible.
This morning I woke up in I immediately put my gym clothes and I worked out for 30 minutes. I didn't really feel like leaving my bat because it was really cold and I didn't want to sweat first thing in the morning but I thought my resistance and I did it anyway. And after finishing the workout. I'm always glad I did it because I feel so much better and ready to start working on my personal project. I feel a sense of accomplishment. I feel more focused.
I feel sharp. I feel great. And I feel happy. as tall Ben Shahar said, not exercising is like taking a depressant It's totally true. If you wake up groggy and not really feel like doing anything, exercise is the best solution for you. I'm not even talking about being fit and having a better health because we all know that exercise has that benefit, but exercise as many other benefits rather than those.
In the beginning. It's really difficult to motivate yourself to start exercising, you must force yourself to get up for your gym clothes to go to the gym or to work out at home, which is what I do. It's very difficult to overcome resistance when you are not used to exercising but you should keep pushing yourself because in the end of the workout, you will really feel much better. A great way to become more consistent with a habit of exercising is writing down all of the reasons why you want to be exercising. So you should write what you will gain by exercising every day. In the watch, you will lose if you not exercise.
So for example, if I exercise I will be more calm. Because I feel better with my body. And if I don't exercise, I will continue to be in a terrible mood all morning, which will damage my relationships with my family and my colleagues. For some people exercising and going to the gym is really easy. And it is something that they really look forward to. It's a part of who they are and Do you really love it.
They have a bunch of fitness goals that they achieve every year. In my case, I don't have all of those ambitions and so my only goal is to work out every day. I don't even set a time for myself, even though I I've been doing it for 30 minutes every day. It's really difficult sometimes to keep up with working out every day, but I just know that it's the best way to make myself feel better. In this book spark john ratey explains how exercise helps you to build learning blocks in your brain. It reduces anxiety and stress.
It increases attention and increases Your mood. As I'm currently taking a management degree, I spend a big part of my day going to classes and studying at home. And so learning is a big part of my day. I also read a lot of books every month in before reading this book, I had a great excuse for not exercising, and my excuse was basically that I was spending my attention on mental abilities rather than physical. And so my time was better spent learning than exercising. Well, after going through this book and reading a few more articles, I understood that exercising is a big part of learning.
So by exercising, I can actually increase my ability to learn faster and to retain information for bigger periods of time, which is basically what I'm looking for. So there's no more excuses for not exercising. They did a lot of studies that show that after exercising people were much more creative. And so the author suggests that if you have a brainstorming Afternoon, you know, you have a meeting where you have to come up with a lot of ideas. He incentivize everyone to go for a run before that meeting. So you will have much more creative and important ideas.
So I highly recommend you to go through this book because the author explains why we must exercise every day and exercising will help us to perform better in every field of our life. So even if most of your goals only require your mental focus, make sure you stick to one goal of exercising every day, as the author said, to keep our brains at peak performance. Our bodies need to work hard. So start today with 30 day challenge where you commit yourself to working out every single day. You don't have to go to the gym, you can work out at home or you can go for a run or walk outside. It is way better than just sitting all day long.