Step two is to understand that calories and calorie counting are not the most important thing when it comes to food and correcting your diet. There are several things more important than simple calories. You've already briefly seen this slide the effect of food on your body being more important than calories. Other aspects are more important whether they stimulate fast storing hormones like insulin. For example, processed carbohydrates do stimulate insulin, which causes fat storage or fat doesn't. fat and protein protein stimulates satiety hormones, keeping you full, and they're usually more nutrient dense.
They provide you nutrients compared to nutrient poor process carbohydrates, which we'll talk about later in further videos. The effects of food on your insect inflammation levels, and your gut bacteria is also important. All these things have to take into context when deciding what to eat more of on a regular basis. Let's consider some of these factors when we look at calories in slightly more detail. carbohydrates and protein, both are four calories per gram, which is lower than the nine calories per gram that you find in fat. So therefore, you often hear that you should have a low fat diet because of the number of calories in fat.
But that doesn't give you the whole picture. For example, carbohydrates stimulate fat storing hormones like insulin more significantly than protein and fat, and protein and fat containing foods stimulates the tality they keep you full stop you being hungry, so you don't snack on bad foods. In addition, protein rich and fat rich foods provide you with more nutrients and carbohydrate rich foods. For example, red meat, which is more nutritious than starchy potatoes, which have less nutrients and more carbohydrates that stimulate fat storing hormone. Whenever you think about what foods you need to eat more or less of. You have to balance the pros and cons of food.
Certain foods, in particular process carbohydrates and sugar, stimulate fat storing hormones that can cause them inflammation that disrupt gut health and bad fats, which we'll talk about later. Definitely cause inflammation and definitely bad for your gut bacteria. That what are the benefits to these foods providing nutrients? Do they fill you up? Do they reduce inflammation, quality protein, and good fats do this they do provide you with nutrients, they do fill you up, and they reduce inflammation compared to processed carbohydrates and bad fats. In addition, you need to have non starchy vegetables, the benefits of which I will talk in upcoming videos.
So you've seen this slide already. What happens when you only count calories? You if you ignore everything else, it will stay hungry become undernourished and weak and you lose the willpower? What should you be doing? You should maximize nutrient dense foods and eat when you're hungry. overeating everything is back to you.
So you need to eat when you're hungry. And over time, develop a new habit of eating more nutrient dense foods that don't cause harm to your body. You will lose weight you will stay nourished and healthy and you will improve your energy levels and this will lead to a successful and sustainable habit. In the next video, I'm going to talk to you exactly what I mean by nutrient dense foods.