Okay to use the naive Bayes algorithm in ah we will need to install iE 1071 library, we can do that using something that install packages. Okay, II 1071 ii 171 semicolon okay. So I will not restart. So I already and these are e 1071 Library install. So this is how I install the E 1071 library and after I install the E 1071 library, I need to use this function to use the E 1071 Library. There are two that's a train the naivebayes Model models I can do something like this model two Naive Bayes that have a need to put in a function.
So species two or other variables then I need to put in the data data train sec Okay, good I can run the whole FDA. So I as a model creator, so I went to look into the model I in this model semicolon. So, I select all and I run these model here. Then if I want to do some prediction I can do something it is prediction to predict Yeah, Polina Amada and then I put into tests so she'll be new the Tai Chi test set Okay, then I can run the whole Li until we build a prediction reside can pull the prediction Ctrl A and then run. So now I have all the pre data values here. So this is how I can use the base in this our program.