Building the portrait using a simple pattern. Let me show you how to do this. I will use for the whole portrait, this kind of pattern. It is simple and easy. It's not the pattern that makes the portrait looking three dimensional. It is again the principle flight applied on to this pattern.
No place for fine transitions in this manner. I will concentrate on form and core shadow as well as on the drop shadow. For darker lines, I will use more pressure and will repeat again and again for darken. You can use a razor not only to race, but to lighten up to of course, TRT razor the softer one I use the technical pencil with h into B lead I will separate light from shadow first, and then we'll repeat for darkening My hand is onto the table. The reference photo is good for this example. This method is not capricious in each photo will work.
It's finished now, the portrait using a simple pattern. And it's three dimensional to when you understand this, you will be able to make much more complicated patterns and forms.