The easiest and most uncomplicated methods of transferring the reference photo onto paper is using transparent paper. You can find it as a4 sheets and as a row. For bigger sizes. The role is from council 20 meter to 90 centimeters. You can use both. First, tape down the reference photo.
Take the transparent paper and put it onto it. There are no differences in the planes. tape it down to tape, take a technical pencil with h lead. Be very precise in the outlines. Make them slow and accurate. For the bigger sizes, you can print the reference photo just bigger.
As a beginner you will not need it. More than 46 to 55 centimeters. This is the classical French size for portrait. For the advanced, you can throw it onto paper first, and then transfer it on the canvas using the transparent paper. This will keep you always in good practice like me. Of course, you can use the grid method for the bigger sizes to when you have finished it, take it and turn the transparent paper on the back and repeat the outlines in the same accurate way.
But using softer lead like six B it's necessary because the softer lead gets easier the graphite and therefore is easier to be printed. The outlines on the back of the transparent paper are needed because otherwise they will be mirrored print of the face. Now the transparent paper is prepared. Take the drawing paper, tape it down. Be sure to turn again the transparent paper on the front and put it onto the drawing paper in type it down to otherwise you will make a mirror face in case you like it. You can also sign the planes of the transparent paper before.
Take as much as possible harder one pencil. Actually, each tool with harder and sharper lead will work because only the pressure of the tool is needed and not the content of delete. Now repeat the outlines in the same accurate way but using some pressure before Take it off. Be sure to have drawn all the outlines. Here we go. Finished.
Quick, clean and precise. What do we need more