Finally, we have audit of safeguarding effectiveness, the audit of your safeguarding procedures, you should regularly review your procedures to ensure that they remain effective and are identifying the signs and cases that they need to be identifying. The Care Quality Commission inspectors handbook here in the UK requires that service providers remedy any shortcomings found in safeguarding practice in their service to help reduce risks to people who use the service. And this implies regular review or audit of your safeguarding activity to ensure that it remains effective and to identify areas for improvement. So a generic process for this might be regular audit of activity, and six monthly audit of activity seems appropriate. improvement actions should be identified from that audit any safeguarding issues that were identified should be actioned anything that's been missed. In the previous case handling.
Specialist input as required should be brought in. And this may be the safeguarding team from the local authority or a medical practitioner. There might also be admin action. That action should be taken reported to the appropriate authorities, with the service user record updated and your safeguarding register also updated.