What does all this mean for service providers? Well, if you're an organization that provides services to children or to vulnerable adults, then you should have safeguarding procedures which include the following. Firstly, a process for dealing with incoming safeguarding concerns, including reports from health professionals, or the council safeguarding team or the police and so on. Secondly, a process for managing new service users coming into the organization and that might include an initial review of needs awareness of safeguarding issues already in place. Thirdly, regular staff training and refresher sessions. Fourth, an urgent process for staff to raise concerns.
Fifth, regular review of concerns and issues with referral to the appropriate professionals as necessary. Six regular review of cases to identify safeguarding issues within the organization. Seventh regular audit of the effectiveness of safeguarding procedures. And we're going to go through each of these in turn. So key decisions for service providers. If you do provide services for young people and all vulnerable adults, then you must have safeguarding procedures in place.
There's no option here, you must have safeguarding procedures in place. Firstly, you must have a safeguarding lead within the organization who has overall responsibility for safeguarding. It's also useful to have a safeguarding administrative lead, who ensures that the day to day procedures are followed. Secondly, the flow of documents and information through the organization must be clearly defined, including the responsibilities of the people at each step in the process. Third, you should consider maintaining a safeguarding register to aid the review follow up an audit of cases but of course you need to be aware We have data protection needs within your jurisdiction. Fourth, it's advisable to develop contacts with the professional agencies, including a medical practice, the council, safeguarding team and so on, so that you know who to consult if you do have a concern.
Fifth, you must train staff in the signs of abuse and neglect. And there's good online training available, but regular in service discussions and training sessions are also important. Six, you should create simple, straightforward and confidential procedures in order to progress concerns. Seventh, you should form an organizational or service safeguarding committee to review cases and concerns and eighth, you should audit safeguarding procedures regularly to ensure that they remain effective