Exercise and sleep. So let's have a look at some exercise facts. People who exercise, sleep better, vigorous exercise ensures better sleep. Non exercise are usually more sleepy, yet suffer more from sleep apnea. sitting still for eight hours a day often leads to poor sleep. And it doesn't matter what time of day you exercise, your sleep will improve.
So our job is to find the right exercise for you. Right not be mountaineering right now. So first of all, we need to find something that we can instill into our lives easily right now. We want to plan to do 20 minutes a day. So first of all, we've got to find the 20 minutes in a daily schedule. And I often find it's really good if you let your family know, this is what you're going to be doing at this time.
If you've got young children, you might want to be incorporating them in this exercise as well, so that it is something that you can do together. And it is something that they will benefit from. The main thing is, we're going to start today. So let's have a look at the different types of exercises that you might be able to start incorporating in your lives. One that's quite easy, and that you can start today is yoga. Because if you look on YouTube, you'll be able to see lots of yoga videos that will help you get started.
If you're up for a run, then a 20 minute jog is a great exercise and you'll soon be wanting to do more than 20 minutes incorporating a cycle ride into your life is a really good family activity that most people could incorporate. But there are lots of different things if these don't suit you. So yoga or polities, or even join an exercise class, if you've got something locally going on, walking is really good, as well as cycling. If you're not up to getting up and out and about, then chair aerobics are the way forward for you. And you can incorporate a few weights for arm exercise, and even leg exercise. Let's see if we can find some links of things that you can look up to see what you can do.
Of course for those that have got activities around them, where you can join Team games or start tennis Or netball or joy in a sport football or something with the family. That's a brilliant way of exercising with the rest of your family as well. So let's have a look at why the exercising is improving your sleep quality. In actual fact the why question is difficult to answer. But what we do know is exercise will contribute to more restful sleep for you. Exercise will increase your deep sleep periods and will lengthen your daily rest period which will also improve your health.
So even if you're not sleeping, you're resting will be improving your body and your health. So to keep it going, we need to exercise at least 20 minutes a day for five days a week. You need to do this for four to six weeks to begin to see the improvements in your sleep quality. And then you need to increase your physical activity to 30 minutes a day after six weeks. So bear this in mind when you're making your plan. So step by step, let's choose an activity that you can do now.
Tell your family because this leads to commitment. begin tomorrow. What do you want to be able to do in six weeks time so you can start planning for the future? Do you want to be able to do a different activity or just more of this activity? Again, tell your family because this leads to commitment from you. To change something you need to change what you're doing.
And you can do this. It's easy