Now we're gonna move on to balancing blood sugars. Now this is an essential part of looking after our health. And we may find when we start transitioning into a more healthy diet, that our blood sugar we start to notice actually sends more sensitivities to blood sugars. Because for so many years, we've been eating so many different toxic toxic foods. The interesting thing is you may wonder how some people can get away with he can so many toxic foods day in, day out. And often you hear these people turn around and say things like, Oh, you know, I'm not familiar, there's nothing wrong with me.
And, okay, on a physical level, they may not be presented with anything. But what's interesting is when you start to look deeper into their pictures and into their stories, you want to be looking for things like anger, irritability, emotional problems, because what can happen On a naturopathic what we teach from at Pathak nutrition standpoint is that when our body gets overloaded with toxins, then when it gets the point where it is saturated, then it moves up into the mental and emotional platform. So on the physical level maybe it's not presenting anymore because it's almost gone too far. It's got the toxic levels have gone too far. So whatever you put in isn't that doesn't seem to be having an effect, but then it's going after the mental emotional level. And easy analogy to understand this is if you imagine a very dirty lick lake is stinking dirty, but if you get an if you get a dirty glass of water, throw it into a dirty lake.
You're not gonna know this, which what's the lake a monster a glass of water. However, if you look at a clear crystal clear water Lake, you get a dirty glass of water. Check it into the clean water. Notice how you you'll easily see the dirty glass of water that's been checked in it. So it can be like that with our bodies. When we start to clean our bodies or when we've got a clean system, we start to notice and get sensitive to these, these things or these foods, which which are affecting us.
So that's a good way to answer when people start to say things like, Oh, well, I've been using that for years as an effective me. Well, it can, that can be one of the reasons why. Or maybe they can have a good strong lineage. Or they may have a different body type too. So there's so many different factors. But that's just to give you a little taste as to how things can affect people differently.
Now, blood sugar wise, that's what we're talking about this in relation to so when we start to clean up our diets, we may start to notice that before we may have been able to take sugar Now it may be able to eat lots of cakes, for example, or whatever it is. But when we start to clean up over here, we may start to notice When we have that cake, or when we have those sugar in it, or those energy drinks, that our energy actually goes down afterwards, where we didn't notice before, what it is our body is getting more sensitive, and it's telling us what we want, is telling us what it wants. So that, you know, it's getting on our side again, whereas before it gone well, I tried to, you know, try to in but I've given Hep C and now, but when we start to get into and again the body starts to wake up again and goes, wow, you know, he's listening to me again.
So it starts to give you more signals as to what it once and you start to get more into, and then you start to give your body exactly what it means. When key with balancing blood sugars can be going gluten free, because when we do drifted, our body finds it much more difficult to digest. grains, and especially the glutinous grains. So it could be an idea to start initially going gluten free. And just take a look at your blood sugars and see if there's any benefit from going gluten free. Often we find our clients and students that when they go gluten free, that their blood sugars also start to balance out a lot better.
It's also important to make sure that you've got the correct essential fatty acids levels in your body. If you haven't got the correct essential fatty acids in your body, then you may quite easily find that your blood sugars will spike and an end date and then a spike in any day. But when you've got a good balance of essential fatty acids, and that helps to balance our blood sugar levels not bad. It's also important to remember that we eat regularly how often does it happen? These days when people are going to work in offices Exactly. But then some people will get up in the morning, they won't have any breakfast, the first thing they'll have is like lunchtime, and then they'll have something maybe six, seven o'clock when they come home from work.
So it's good to eat every three hours because this helps to regulate the body and regulate the blood sugars, as well as just a little couple of little tips to help regulate the patchiness. When we started on this health journey, I also had real big difficulty in balancing my blood sugar levels. I got to the point where I couldn't have anything sweet whatsoever. Maybe a little bit of dried fruit that can have but nothing. I couldn't have anything sweet than eating greens. Eventually, I couldn't eat.
But now I've gotten much more into balance. Of course I don't eat that sugar now because I don't want the bad sugar. And I realized that it's not so good for my body. But what can you Put in instead of the sweet things because let's be honest, we've all got a little bit of a sweet tooth. And maybe some of us go for more more for savory. But it's nice sometimes to have just that little bit of sweetness, but how can we do a health me?
One thing that I found really, really beneficial is the stevia. stevia is a plant it's a leaf, and naturally you'll find stevia in nature it's green. Lots of stevia on the market these days is white because it's quite process. If you can try and source the original stevia which is green, this is very, very sweet. In fact, it's a lot sweeter than sugar. So when we use in that in, in desserts, and in smoothies, etc, it can give us sweetness we're looking for but without the blood sugar imbalances, without the peaks and the troughs of the blood sugar spikes.
Stevia in so many different stages in the mind At these days but trying our best to go to the ones that are closest to nature as possible so green powder that's what the green organic powder that's the stevia that we want to be looking for Conrad is invaluable when we're looking to eat something sweet. There hasn't got a negative effect and kind of naturally has got a balance and naturally balances your blood sugar's but it's very sweet as well. So you can actually get some kind of sweeteners on the market which you may find it okay. But what I will say about sweeteners is you want to be using them at a minimum even so called good sweetness. It's things like coconut sugar is a coffee is a big one we'll talk about in a little bit. There's coconut nectar for example.
Now, we do use a little bit of coconut sugar now and again, but it is still processed and it is still pretty high on the glycemic index. It may be better, but we still want to be limited in these things. Maple syrup is another one, for example. And we want to be making sure that these things have been have been processed, or they've been made well, and they're not. So process because the more highly processed they are, of course, it's going to have more of a blood sugar spike and I can be, for example, can be high fructose and it can be high gi depending on how it's processed. And while it's mixed with so we want to be looking for the things that are gonna be balancing our blood sugar has not given us spikes and depths, we're going to be looking at things like collard stevia, there's white collar, which can be used as well in recipes, and that's really sweet naturally on its own.
So just doing your own research and making and finding out what you can use instead, instead of the white sugar And the very processed syrups for example, you may find that you can handle some some of the darker ones like the coconut sugars, but steering away from the conventional white sugar as much as possible. A couple of tips. Hopefully you can have the balance your blood sugar's with or help as well. Thank you