Welcome back to step six of build winning courses. This step is about adding activities. And this lesson is about lecture and discussion. When do you use them? And how do you use them? lecture and discussion are two important tools in any training.
But they're often underused or overused in ways that aren't helpful. Let me talk about lecture first, when is it appropriate to lecture it's appropriate to lecture when you assume your audience doesn't know anything about the topic? When you're introducing brand new information? That's when it's okay to lecture. Grab your course I'm checking. Make sure that you've got lecturing places where it's appropriate because the rest of time you want to move people into discussion that is using the information you've just provided them.
You want to give them a question, have them discuss it at their tables, and then have them report out table by table person by person or using a flip chart. You want people to begin to interact? Because only when they interact and use the content? Are they really beginning to assimilate it? This clears the funnel top a whole lot faster and reduces cognitive load, so that you can teach longer days with greater effect. So lecture only when you need to provide information that is brand new discussion when you want them to take that information and do something with it.
Now, here's the catch. We tend to lecture because that's how we were taught or we tend to lecture because we're afraid of silence and of letting people talk. See you in the next lesson.