Step one, lesson five, SEO search. Did you stop and think back on all your work from lessons 123 and four? I sure hope so. Because that lets you know how to begin to frame the rest of our work together in lesson one, which is all about making final decisions about what you're going to do. Hey, that's the Old North Church right there behind me. I'm in Boston tonight.
And I wanted to talk with you in this lesson about search engine optimization. Believe me, it'll be a short lesson. Here's the deal about SEO, Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is a complex process to get better rankings in your search engines, like getting to number one in Google or being at the top of the page when people pull up your course or your course topic. Now, you can do it and you can learn to do it. There are courses on Lynda, there are course Li NDA their courses on Coursera you can go out and if you just type into Google or your favorite search engine, how to perform SEO or how to do search engine optimization. You'll from industry resources, let me let you in on a secret.
I don't do my own. I don't do my own because there's so many people were so much better at it, I'd rather pay them. And a lot of places where you going to host your website will actually have SEO built in that you can subscribe to, or you can do on a one time basis. Think about it. You can take 10 hours or 20 hours to learn how to do it. And then you can take that same 10 hours or 20 hours to work on your course which is a better investment.