Hello, everybody and welcome back to build winning courses. Step four, you're almost halfway there, if not a little beyond, this will be short. Let me tell you why this will be short. You've already done most of the work. Can you do the setup for a lot of the work at the keyboard of writing? There are seven simple steps in this process.
Of course, maybe writing content isn't so simple for you, but they are one by one. So lesson one revisiting refined means go back and look at your avatar. Go back and look at all of the products of all the steps before and all the lessons, make sure that everything up to this point is in good shape for where you want it to be. This is the foundation that drives you to create the terminal objectives that you'll need to create in the next step. Lesson to specify your clear terminal objectives. These are the big ones, the ones that everything else rolls up to.
That's lesson three, your enabling objectives. Make sure you've got objectives that roll up to the big ones. lesson four is check the objective sequence for learning or doesn't go left to right on the verb sheet. Then lesson five is check it for performance order. How do people really perform the tasks and if it needs to be in different order for performance or make it so then finally in lesson six, you write the content for each objective. And as you do, you need to begin to collect your resources and your graphics and cite your data, so you know where it comes from.
So your step four seven lesson worksheet is there for you to refer to as you go through the process. creating content takes time. And the reason you want to do it in order and in chunks is so that you can move them around easily. A lot of people simply start talking and that's their content. But believe me, when you do your outlines, and you do your terminal objective with your enabling objectives that roll up to it, it's a lot easier and a lot faster. have added keep writing and let me know how you're doing on your course.
See you soon.