So in the next few videos, I just wanted to show you some books that I really recommend that I think will really kind of help you get started with your entrepreneurial journey. There's lots and lots of books out there about entrepreneurship. But these are a few that I've particularly read. Or at least I've, I'm in the process of reading, this is one that I've recently picked up that someone had recommended to me, that talks about the one thing which is really focusing around the idea of building out one type of business. So I know obviously, I mentioned a lot of different things you could get started with. The idea with this book would be to go through it.
Pick something that you really like, and then focus on that until it's success. There's all kinds of different things you can do. Like I said, I did just want to point this book out. It was created by Gary Keller, who is the creator of the Keller Keller realty company, which is like a million dollar real estate company. So I've been reading this book and I've been very, very happy with it. Here you can see there's some really hopeful reviews, you know, very motivational.
You know, all kinds of different reviews over here. This guy, I guess, didn't think it was that great, but I thought that the book was kind of just it's really putting into your head that you need to focus on this one idea. And it's gonna help you know you achieve more success in your life. So check this book out. It's only 13 bucks on Kindle. You can even get it I guess paperback is only nine so that might be worth it as well if you'd rather have a physical copy