So in this video, I wanted to talk about another idea you could pursue. It's becoming more and more popular these days, and that is podcasting. I actually started this blog several years ago. And when I initially started out, I really had no idea what I was doing. I had already learned how to build my WordPress site and kinda got an understanding of blogging, and we're starting to learn about search engine marketing. But I decided that I really liked interviewing people and getting to know really successful people.
So I started reaching out to all kinds of successful entrepreneurs. And I built this website voices of marketing, where I then was able to go out and use this as kind of like my main source for blogging and podcasting about just general marketing topics. So I'm going to take you over to iTunes really quick. And you can see here where I made a, this is my podcast with over 50 positive ratings. And it doesn't actually show them all here, but I've done over eight interviews over a span of time, you know, going way back in early 2013. I interviewed all kinds of different people learning about all different topics, eventually decided to stop doing this because I just, I don't know that I really want to say I lost interest per se.
But there were other things that I got involved in that were starting to make me some more money and just overall was, you know, deciding to put my time into something else. But there's a lot of people that do really, really well with podcasting. I've even made a couple other ones that were just sort of like tests. So this is something you can dive into. There's really a lot going on with podcasting these days. I know if you go over to iTunes, and you start looking into some of the different categories like here, I'll just go into the marketing section.
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of podcasts. You can see that they're really big ones like Smart Passive income, The Art of Charm, internet marketing, internet business mastery. Like Smart Passive income was one that got me really motivated to start my podcast. And as you can see, you know, Pat is still very, very active with his podcasts with almost 2000 ratings. So this is something definitely worth checking out if you're interested in podcasting. I actually have another course i'll show you really quick.
Still on my Amazon one here. We go into my courses really quickly, and I'll go show you guys basically what I did was I accumulated a series of interviews with a lot of people that, you know, basically I was See here, I'm gonna go in as a guest sorry for the unpreparedness here but I basically wanted to show you this page, I put together something called learn pot podcasting with expert online marketing entrepreneurs. So I took a series of interviews and basically put together some tutorials here, you know, I kind of start out going through starting your own podcast. I share all the different interviews here that I've done with people that also have their own podcast people like Pat Flynn and Andrew Warner at mixergy, Michael O'Neill. All these people have their own podcast john Lee Dumas. And then I give some of my own tips for starting out and how people can get started.
And you know, a lot of people are really enjoying this. You can see here, there's a lot of good reviews. So you can check this out, I'd even be happy to give you a discount on this course if you'd like to send me a message. I don't have a problem with that. So if podcasting is something you're interested in, take a look into that and it definitely is worth exploring.