What else? Many, many, many me is the best storyteller ever. And just like when many me's trying to be psychic, many always held a negative version first. In fact, sometimes exclusively, many comes up with a negative version of what might be going on. In most situations, we know the mirror sliver of a sliver of the truth. Let's say for instance, your boss sends you an email on Friday afternoon and says, I need to see you in my office Monday morning.
10 O'clock. What happens? We all know what happens. We have a complete freakout. Many of these stops telling us the story about what's going to happen in the office at 10 o'clock on Monday morning, and it's not good. It makes up all the terrible things that the boss is gonna say to us.
Next up all the terrible things that we might have done wrong and how are we going to defend ourselves. We spend the whole weekend worrying about How we going to defend ourselves? But the terrible thing that perhaps we've done on Monday morning when the boss was in the office on Monday morning and says, Oh, I just wanted to say, really good job on that project. And I'm going to give you another one as a result, which is like, Oh, I'm exhausted. I'm so relieved. And many knees like oh, call me pretending that they never made it all up.
Mini me, is the best storyteller ever. It takes the truth and it goes and pairs that and expands that and makes a whole bunch of stuff up around it. Well, as many can make up one story, she can make up to, and she can make up to stories she can make obtain. And surely at some point, at some number of stories, we have to realize that all of them are rubbish, that none of them are known to be the absolute truth. And what's really amazing about the truth is that we could come back to just what we know. We drop a huge burden off our shoulders.
If we could come back to the various numerous sliver of what we know even if that makes us uneasy, and don't make up a whole bunch of other stuff around it, then we could come back to feeling probably quite peaceful and calm about what is. Now angry people are great at making up stories. They're great at making up the expanded version that is going to make them feel really anger angry. So that's just another example of how we are creating anger in our own minds. It's not being created so much from the outside environment has been created while thinking and many years after Mr. Han has to be watched.