Welcome to Video four where we explore words worth forgetting. There's some types of classification of words that we should remove from our speaking vocabulary to help with our understandability. We'll go through a list here. Words people might not understand. There's some examples substitute good times for healthy on. Other examples, pleasure seeker for hidden list.
Then there's words of doubtful meetings. Some examples might be ameliorate abstruse modeling, is words you can't pronounce. ameliorated from the last item might be an example. It's a bit of a tongue twister. It is made up words. There's words of many meetings.
A Frenchman said this about learning the English language. I discovered that if I was quick, I was fast. I spent too freely. I was tired. cut down on a food. It was a fast for a woman hung out in bars.
She was fast. I was discouraged. There's words that are difficult to hear. Word combinations are confused. Then there's loaded words. Some words of concern race, religion, politics and personal character can provoke heated and sometimes overpowering reactions.
Loaded words can induce people to commit irrational acts. Loaded words are like a loaded gun. They can cause devastating damage. Those cliches cliches are expressions that have been kicked around so often, that they're now shopworn, threadbare, and meaningless since they reflect disperse vocabulary, and palate imagination. Avoid Them at all costs. I've often heard it said that you should avoid cliches like The plague, self fulfilling cliche wonder there's euphemisms, euphemisms or silly, inoffensive little words or phrases used as substitutes for stronger, perhaps harmful ones.
Example thing that someone's going number one and number two, instead of urinating or defecating then there's a military use of collateral damage. That's their way of saying that innocent citizens were killed. In the next video, we're looking at improving your descriptive powers and public speaking