Hi, and welcome to week 10 of alto saxophone lessons in the music coach. So far, you've added lots of great skills, and we're getting near the end of the program. Now we're going to add a second scale pattern this week, that's going to help you develop more as an improviser and have some more technique in the E major scale. One thing I wanted to mention about scale patterns that's really great is as you learn more scales, the feeling of the pattern under your fingers goes with you. So the first time you're learning these is the hardest they ever are going to be. When you if you continue on and more music coach programs or if you just learn the scale patterns in different keys, you're going to find that they get easier to play because your fingers remember the pattern.
So this week scale pattern is going to be we're going to walk up four notes by going E, F sharp, G sharp, A, then we're going to go back to the second note of the scale which is F sharp. I'm going to play it once for you going up so you can hear how it sounds. Now when you play this fast, it can give you this real sense of motion going up. It can give you this really kind of rushing up and the opposite is true when you play it descending. It can give you this nice cascading feeling. So when you're working on it, go slowly so that it's really consistent all the way through.
That's what makes it have the right feeling when you play it later on. Here all the notes asset E, F sharp, G sharp, A, F sharp, G sharp, A, B, G sharp, A, B, C sharp, A, B, C sharp, D sharp, B, A shift. Here all the notes accenting. E, F sharp, G sharp, A, F sharp, G sharp, A, B, G sharp, A, B, C sharp, A, B, C sharp, D sharp, B, C sharp, D sharp d C sharp, D sharp, E, D sharp, T. And here are all the notes descending. Start on the high F sharp, D sharp, C sharp, B, D sharp, C sharp, B, A, C sharp, B, A, G sharp, B, A, G sharp, F sharp, A, G sharp, F sharp, E, G sharp, F sharp, E, F sharp, E. Alright and we'll see in the practice video