Hi, welcome back, week nine of alto saxophone lessons in the music coach program. This week, you're going to be learning how to play your first scale pattern. Now, scale patterns are just simply a way of approaching learning the scale that you're in, in a different order. So so far, we've always played in order we played E, then F sharp and G sharp. And if we were coming down, we're always playing E, then D sharp. And so on.
This first scale pattern, we're going to be jumping in different orders. So we're going to start on E, but then we're going to skip over F sharp and go to G sharp. So I'm going to play it for you one so you can hear it and then I'll talk about the notes Now the notes you're gonna play are E, G sharp, then we go backwards to F sharp, up to a, backwards to G sharp, up to be backwards to a, up to C sharp, backwards to be up to D sharp, backwards to C sharp, up to E. Then we'll play D sharp twice, and then E. Now when we're coming descending, we're going to play the pattern but in reverse. So we're starting on the high E, and then we're skipping to C sharp. Then we're playing D sharp, down to B, then C sharp, down to a, up to be down to G sharp, up to a Down to F sharp, up to G sharp, down to E, F sharp twice, and then e, it sounds like this.
Now, getting comfortable with scale patterns is going to help your improvising a lot later on in the program because the vocabulary of the scale is going to be in your fingers in different ways. And this allows you to travel during your improvising from one place to another either going up or down in a different way so you can create a different feeling the feeling of moving in thirds is like the stepping up and backing up and back. And the same coming down you can create these cascading effects feelings and effects, and they're adding more sophistication to your improvising. So work on it slowly in the practice video if you have to stop and go back and try it a bunch of times, just keep doing it, and it'll get in your fingers. All right, great work, and I'll see you in the practice video.