Hello, in this video, I am going to show you the constraint box widget. If you take a look at what we've got right here, I've got a row, it could be used with a column it can be used with any other sort of widget allows you to position it doesn't matter, the principle is the same. And essentially allows you to apply some constraints on it in regards to you know, its size. So in regards to the logical pixels, so we've got this right, and if we enclose this text inside a constraint box to demonstrate to, all we need to do is a new, constrained box and a comma there, and in here we see a child, this will be a child of it now. And it does not have to be a technology. It could be an image widget or anything else.
And now we need to add some constraints, constraints, box constraints, there's quite a few different constraints that you can apply, I'm going to provide a link to the official documentation so you can see all the different one. But once you get to grips with what we're doing in this video, we're over to go. So the four ones that the basic constructor provides is minimum width, minimum height, maximum width, and maximum height. So if we look at this when we do a mean, with our 200, so two logical pixels, as you can see now, even though this only has three letters, this is starting quite a bit overhead. Let's change this just to 50. For example, as you can see, there's still a bit of a gap or not as much if I change this to 10.
What they saying is that this whole widget has to be a minimum of 10 logical pixels. If the child inside of it makes it above that, that's fine, that is fine. We just really have to be That minimum and that allows you to provide some spacing, I think not much more to it than that. You can put a comma and provide and, you know, apply the other constraints like maximum width, minimum height, maximum height, and I recommend doing that, try changing this to a column and experiment with flux stuff. If you have any questions, though, feel free to drop me a message. And as usual, I look forward to seeing you in the next video.