Next section we're talking about languages guys. So if you speak more than one language, write it down, show it off. So in my resume, I have English as a fluent, basic Mandarin basic Vietnamese, okay, so my Vietnamese Mandarin are very basic, if not poor, you don't want to show off things that aren't true. So if I wrote that my Chinese was good, and it's really bad, obviously that's a lie is going to be really stick with what you have. So make sure you write this down. You can write this in your professional statement as well at front that your multilingual bilingual recruiters Don't miss this especially if it's a job that requires multiple languages speaking, and so I mentioned it as fast as you can, especially at the top so this is a separate section as well.
Down down below so you can put in your professional stamp and down below Section languages. So we're heading now to the end of your resume. And so here you want to print some software skills, some technical skills that you might have developed, okay. So for instance, if you're a financial analyst, you might have worked with Excel, or you might work with, you know, smps or Moody's relevant software, or you might be good at coding. So you want to put all these in and I've, and in the latest section in our tips section, you can even just go there, you know, just straight off this lecture. There's a list of technical words soft skills, as well as key industry words to use for this particular sections, which I'll outline so if you need to do it for your resume right now, after this lecture, I'll just pop straight into to that one, and it's called tips on the tips for finance section and go to keywords, industry keywords.
Then software skills. This is basically a short list of software and tech technology that you know how to use. It could be word processing, Excel macros, and you can say advanced you know, for accountants it's MIB QuickBooks, those type of things zero for finance analyst, Excel, and other various finance, financial analyst skills. It could be, you know, cash registers, f POS machines, all these types of things that you can think of, if you're a coder, for instance, or you're good at coding, you know, c++, Java or substrings. Want to put them all in there. And so other things for Australia, you'd be good at best statements for accountants, you can be good at understanding financial analysis in that regard, or for American system gap.
Those are just examples. Okay.