The H release healing is about identifying the age where the stress or trauma occurred, and then having it released from the body. So what we need to do is first of all identify the age that is the most pertinent, or the one where that seems to be still affecting Emily. So we'll count back as we've done before locked position to maintain the arm, count back with current age 25 to 1515 to five, I get a change, Brynjar backup lock position 15, age 14, I get a change on age 14. So this is the age that came up before and this is an age that has really impacted Emily's life. So what we now need to do is we put the intention, we put it out there that we're going to release this trauma that still stuck in your body and causing her blocks and our negative life patterns.
And how you do that is lift the armor locked position, maintain it. And all I do is ask for Emily to take nice deep breaths. And as you can see the energy starts to come through hence why I start to move and I take deep breaths. I continue to apply pressure just above the wrist and till the emotions are released from her body. I will know when they're released when I get an energy shift here. So take nice deep breaths in and you as the practitioner does it to then you breathing out I've still got pressure on the arm Breathing in and breathing out.
And I feel it's coming once more. And here it goes. It's dropping. And I now feel the relief and just sort of wait for a moment because it's still releasing but what we've just done is accessed and our energy from both of us from the energy around us to now release this emotion release this trauma, release what's been stuck at the age of 14