Hi, welcome back. This is Week Six of Bass Lessons in the music coach program. This week, you're going to be learning how to play the G major scale. The G major scale is the scale that we're going to use throughout the entire program. It's where the bass notes come from that we've learned so far, and where the melody and the improvising that you're going to do is going to come from as well. If you're unfamiliar with the names of the musical alphabet, or sharps and flats, check out the harmony video that comes before the course that explains how all those things work.
But it gets started we're going to play G on the E string, but this time I want you to use your middle finger or your two finger because of what's going to happen next, then I want you to play the A string open. Then I want you to put your number one finger on the second fret of the A string to play B. Then your number two finger on the third fret of the A string to play C. Then play the D string open. Then play the number two fret on the D strength play E. Then play the number four fret on the D string with your third finger, like F sharp. And lastly, play the G string open. hear those notes again.
G with your second finger on the E string on the third fret, a string open first finger on the second fret of the A string, play B, second finger on the third fret of the A string to play C and play the D string open. And play number one finger on the second fret of the D string, play E. then number three finger on the number four fret on the D string, play F sharp. And then the G string open the practice video, you're also going to be playing the notes backwards. Because like we discovered with learning the names of the strings and music, knowing things forwards and backwards is equally important because when you're playing a song, you're not always going to be going in one direction. You're gonna need to be able to go in both directions. So here are the notes going backwards.
G string open. F sharp, E, D string open. C. Me A and G. There are one more time G string open. F sharp, E, D. C AG Remember to keep your thumb on the back of the neck to get a good solid grip. Keep up the great work and we'll see in the practice video