You're now going to learn to play the G major scale. one octave. The notes are G, which is played on the third fret of the E string, A, which is played open on the A string, B, which is played on the second fret of the A string, C, which is on the third fret of the A string, D, which is played open on the D string, E, which is played second fret on the D string, F sharp, which is played fourth fret on the D string, and G which is played open on the G string. Let's try playing them as whole notes with the click track so each note will get four beats. One, two, ready, go gee 234 a 234 the two, three, or C 234, d 234 e, the 234 F sharp 234 G 234. Let's try that again.
One, two, ready, go, g two, three, or a two, three, or the two, three, or C 234. The two, three or the two, three. Or F sharp 234 G 234. Now let's try the notes as half notes, so each note will get two beats. One, two, ready? Oh, G to A to B to C to D to B to F sharp to G to now play them backwards or descending as whole notes.
One, two, ready, go. g 234, F sharp, two, three, or the 234 D, the 234 c 234 B, two, three, or a 234 G 234. Now let's play them descending as half notes. One, two, ready, go. G to F sharp to e to B to C to B to A, two, G, two. Let's try it again.
One, two, ready, go. G to F sharp, to B to B to C, to B to A to G, two