So let's dive into the step number one, reflect and understand, this is the most important step. Let me tell you that getting started with an organizing and decluttering period without knowing why you are doing it is not going to be successful. Trust us we have done we have tried before, when we got started five years ago in 2012. We tried to do it on a different way, and it just didn't work. So what's important, you need to understand why are you doing this? What is the motivation behind you deciding to do this project?
And then you have to think about what are the frustrations that you are experiencing right now? Because those are really good ones. Those are the things that you want to change. Once you know the frustrations and you know the spaces that you want to change, you need to think about what kind of activities do you want to do in that space, what kind of equipment what kind of physical belongings you will need to store in that space to facilitate those activities. Okay, and then you have to also reflect about the things that you love currently about your space and the things that you hate about your space. So I know it sounds like overwhelming, but it's really important to reflect and really, really understand really dive deeper into your feelings and why you are doing this.
Because this is what we are going to use in the rest of the process. When we get started with the decluttering making decisions about things. If you have a clear, clear, like picture of what you want and why you want it, it's going to be very easy for you to make those decisions. If you if you skip this step and you don't know really why you are doing this and then you get started deciding about items, it's going to be really really hard and most likely you are going to give up because you will know what what to give what to stop what to do with things. Okay, there is a really good exercise that is called the life stress exercise. And I have included in below is basically a lot of the times people who are experiencing clutter It is because a life event has happened, a big one, a big one that you didn't have enough time to, to, like, move forward with it.
Like, maybe you are feeling out mental health issues like you are feeling depressed, maybe you are changing jobs very quickly. Maybe you have a new baby born, maybe you, you were fired from your job and you have to move to a different location. There are a lot of different life events that can happen to any of us anytime. And that can change dramatically the space world we live in. Because when we are not feeling well, the first thing that we neglect is always our surroundings. We stop cleaning, we stop eating well, because we're not feeling well and we don't have enough energy.
So it's really important to become aware of everything that's happening in your life, how you are feeling, what's causing those frustrations, what space you want to get started with, why and the activities and the most important thing think about that thing that excites you. So once you have done the decluttering what's after that What is that thing that excites you, that inspires you? Because that's going to be the reason that it's gonna force you to keep going. It's going to you're going to feel motivated to keep going through this process. So I invite you to take time to do this, do the exercise below, and really have a crystal clear vision of what is it that you want and why. And then Samantha will dive into the next step.
I'll see you in the next video.