Okay, so you are all done. And if you are requiring help, we want to share with you a lot of resources that are around you. So organizing has been around for a long time. And there are a lot of international organizations around the world that I want to share with you. The first one is the one that we are members of it's professional organizers in Canada. There are over 500 professional organizers around Canada, and we are all members of that association.
So if you live in Canada, you can have access to organizers in most of the provinces. If you're in the US, that is enable that's probably one of the first organizations they're the oldest ones. And they have a lot of organizers like thousands of them around the country. So that's another good website. The ICD is another great resource is the Institute for challenging disorganization. This one is specializing in like ADHD ABB, I like more of the mental health side of chronic disorganization.
So if you're experiencing Any of those symptoms, this could be the Association for you. You can search for organizers who are like certified by this organization and they can help you. Another one like, it's, this website has a lot of the organizations that are around the world. Like there is one in Korea, there is one in Japan, there is one in in the UK, there is one in Brazil. So this is a very growing industry. And there are more coming up.
There is one in Spain that I guess found out about. So what's the secret here, the secret is to find for to try to find an organizer that fits your personality and that you think it's a good fit for you. You can do that through going through asserts in any of these websites, and then go to the website of that specific organizer. And then see if you can relate to them, see if you like them, see if they have videos, what kind of content they are sharing, and then if you can relate to that and if you think that they have answers for you, reach out to them and then see if they can help It may take more than one try to find the right fit for you. But we invite you to keep trying until you find the right help. If you are living in a in a sewn in an area that there are no organizers around you, there are also beautiful organizing services.
So you can still get that help online or through a phone call. And this is very common is called visitor organizing. And a lot of organizers offered that service. We also do that. So again, that there are a lot of options out there. It's it may take a little bit of research from your site, but there are a lot of communities a lot of organizations that may help you.
So feel free to reach out. We are leaving all the links below and hopefully you can find the right health for you. We'll see you in the next video.