In the coming videos, we will encrypt different files and understand how block cipher mode of operation works. First, let's list ciphers that are available on open SSL. In this lesson, we will use Aes 128 bit. Let's start now with a text file. We will use nano, write some text and let's name our fine encryption. Let's check out its size.
We will do it using LS hyphen L, and the file name. And now let's encrypt it. For that we will use a Aes 128 hyphen CBC as is the encryption algorithm 128 is the key sys CBC is the mode of operation And we will look at that more as we go on. So we're using open SSL EMC hyphen e hyphen AAS hyphen. 128. hyphens CBC. CBC is the mode of operation.
Hyphen a makes the encoding of the encryption base 64, which makes it much more clearer. hyphens salt salts. The key derivation with teen hyphen in encryption is the encryption is the plaintext that we wish to encrypt and hyphen out encryption. One dot bin is the encrypted text file.