Using hex DME is a great way to visualize our blocks our cipher blocks. Let's use it. Let's write down some text. To tomorrow will be sunny. Right? Sunny and let's get out of here.
Sunny 16 sorry, funny. And there's our text tomorrow we'll be signing. Now let's hex Let's Encrypt it using open SSL. This time we will use a Aes 128 bit ECB And our file will be funny. And we will encrypt it into a file that we will call sunny ese send encrypted. Let's use a password.
And there it is. Let's look at it using cat. There's our encrypted file. And let's look at it using hex dump. And there it is. We have blocks of encrypted text, we have 1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 1516 bytes which is 128 bit each block remember each blocks using the AES 128 bit ECB uses blocks of 128 bit