Style Percentages and Applying DISC to Your Life
Would you guess most people in our world are more outgoing or reserved?
If you guessed more people are reserved then you are correct. 60-percent of our population is reserved. 40-percent is outgoing.
Now, what do you think about this? Is the world's population more task or people-oriented?
Well if you guessed more people-focused, you are correct. 65-percent of our world's population is more people focused. That means just 35-percent is more task-focused.
What does this mean to us?
More on that soon.
First, here are the following percentages for each primary style:
To be most effective with people think about approaching them from the "S" style. This will make more sense as we continue on and you learn more. However, suffice it to say, when you aren't sure of someone's style and their wiring, you will always be effective to slow things down, and act more reserved, and also focus on the people side of things.
For example, small talk, connecting, and just focusing on the person is not the task at hand.